Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Feedback on march 5th

After knowing various sorts dictionary and their functions and usage provided in class,
as an English major student but without a real dictionary
i felt terribly ashamed.
In my experience of using dictionary
i simply jot down the vocabulary which i'm not familiar with, or look it up in my digital dictionary right away.(if i do bring it to class)
then write down the vocabuary and its chinese definition in my notebook.
but i found out that when i flip through the notebook after awhile
i may still remember the chinese meaning of the word, but not the exact usage. (especially the words which have similar definition in chinese, but quite different in English)
so i end up checking my digital dictionary again.
After trying some websites of online dictionary, ex. oxford, cambridge, alphaDictionary
i realized that if i do use dictionary properly by checking monolingual dictionary, and more than one source, i should get a more gerneral concept of the vocabulary, also enhence the impression toward the word while looking it up.
It is much more efficient than what i did before, even it takes a bit more time.
but i do understand the word from different aspects.
now i sort of feel the pleasure of looking up dictionary that the author mentioned about.
and i've learned alot in the class!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's true that if you do some cross referencing, you'll be able to memorize and retrieve the words better. Good point.
